Risk-Based Infrastructure Management System (RIMS)
An innovative, award-winning risk-based infrastructure management system for generating efficient asset management strategies.
Project overview
The City of Edmonton needed an effective infrastructure management system, one that would deliver optimized results for maximizing investment value for each infrastructure management need. At SMA we developed a software package that would meet the City’s needs, creating a system that encourages sustainable infrastructure management as well as reducing time spent by City employees in calculations.
The dilemma of aging infrastructure and a limited budget, coupled with Edmonton’s status as one of the fastest-growing cities in Canada, is likely to lead to an increase in required spending in the future.
Because government departments are accountable for the responsible allocation of taxpayer dollars, there is a unique urgency for effective infrastructure management tools to support decision-making.
SMA’s RIMS software boasts a new approach for the optimization of budget allocation. It uses genetic algorithms, which employ evolutionary sequences to optimize solutions involving large numbers of possible combinations.
RIMS not only allows users to determine and compare the amount of investment required by infrastructure to perform at various levels, it also guides them in determining specific levels of risk and performance that can be attained and maintained under different budgets.
The innovative RIMS software package allows decision-makers to manage their infrastructure assets as a complete system. This leads to innumerable financial benefits by determining the most effective use of City funds and reducing the amount of payable work time spent by City employees in calculations.
Sustainable infrastructure management translates to efficient use of public funds, helping spread taxpayer dollars to other important City programs and services. Vigilant monitoring and updating of infrastructure creates safer, greener neighbourhoods.
In 2013, RIMS was honoured with a Consulting Engineers of Alberta Award of Excellence in “Small Firm – Big Impact,” and an Award of Merit in “Studies, Software, and Special Services.”